The NOT Marriage Conference 

September 30th, 2017


Cost: $20 - Online payment can be made here.

Location: City on a Hill - 2138 Ridge Arnold, MO 63010
Celebrating singleness. "The most satisfied human being ever was Jesus. I believe he was single."

This is going to be a party!

A lot of the crew will be meeting for lunch at Syberg's at 11:30 am if you would like to hang out. Eat lunch before you come if you are not joining us there.

Registration will include a happy hour, a dinner, and an awesome dance party that could go way into the night!

12:30 Registration
12:45 Welcome and Worship
01:15 Session #1
01:45 Session #2
02:15 Break
02:30 Session #3
03:00 Panel Forum and Q & A
04:15 Happy Hour & Table Discussions
05:45 Dinner
06:30 Closing Comments and Teaching
07:00 Dance Party with COAH's 3rd birthday party (Invite all your friends -- it is free!)

Please mail all checks to City on a Hill | 2138 Ridge Dr. Arnold, MO 63010